Within the framework of cooperation on the introduction of gender mainstreaming to the project “Climate Smart Urban Challenge” published by the United Nations Development Program – UNDP and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, the United Nations Office for Women and Gender Equity – UN Women Serbia has developed, with the support of the Women’s Architectural Society, a plan of educational and advocacy activities aimed at supporting the development of gender-sensitive criteria within the two segments of the call: “Challenge of Open Data” and “Challenge for Mature Innovative Project Ideas”.
As the official start of activities with a wider goal of raising public awareness about the benefits of implementing gender sensitive and sustainable urban development, UN Women is organizing a gathering in the Belgrade City Hall that will gather more than 120 partners, representatives of local self-governments, professional public, media, women’s and other civil society organizations advocating for gender equality and environmental protection, to present the mechanism of the call and highlight the importance of systematically integrating gender perspectives into policies and interventions in the field of climate change.
The conference will be held on Wednesday, February 28, at 10.30 am, in the the Belgrade City Hall.
10:30 Gathering of guests / Registration / Press statements
Moderators: Eva Vaništa Lazarevic, President of the Women’s Architectural Society
Miroslav Tadić, project manager, UNDP Serbia
11:00 Welcome notes:
Goran Trivan, Minister of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia
Steliana Nedera, Deputy of Permanent Representative of UNDP Serbia
Jelena Zdravković, Deputy Head of UN Women’s Office in Serbia
Milutin Folić, Chief Urbanist of the City of Belgrade
11:25 Short video about the project “Local Development Resistant to Climate Change”
11:30 Guest of Honor:
Eva Kail, City of Vienna – Presentation: “Sharing a Fair City”
Executive Group for Construction and Technology
Competence Centre Overall Urban Planning,
Smart City Strategy, Participation, Gender Planning
12:00 Milena Zindović, urbanist, Woman Architectural Society and Smart City
Presentation: Gender aspects of sustainable planning
12:20 Miroslav Tadić, Project Manager, UNDP Serbia:
Announcement of forthcoming public calls within the project
12:25 Cocktail
13:00 End of event